Why SSL Certificate is important for your website!
We live in a digitalized world nowadays. The digital technology has been advancing rapidly over the past few years. The easy availability of internet and the massive shift of common people to the online platform have been a determining factor in this rapid digitalization. Everything from banking to booking railway tickets has been digitalized and now can be done from home. Thanks to the digital technology advancement, we no longer need to stand in long queues and can complete the important tasks from home.
However, this progress in terms of technology has created one major problem. It has provided cybercriminals and hackers with loopholes which they can utilize in order to fulfill their foul intents. As a matter of fact, the rate of cyber crimes have increased rapidly in the past few years and it is not at all an unheard fact. Though the government and the cyber experts have been trying to provide protection to the people against cyber threats, they have not been able to come up with a definitive solution.
So, is there nothing you can do to ensure maximum protection for your website against cyber threats? Of course, you can! You can buy an SSL Certificate for your website which will protect your website from hackers, malware, ransomware and all other threats with utmost efficiency.
At Hostcats, we offer you best you the best quality SSL certificate service at an affordable price to make sure that you get to secure website without any hassle. The SSL certificates that we offer come with multi-layered military-grade encryption. It makes it impossible for any third-party user to breach the security of your website. So, you get the utmost security without any hassle. Thus, with the help of SSL certificates, you will never have to worry about the security of your website ever again.
Why is SSL Certificate necessary?
Like we said, the rate of cyber crimes has increased these days. The advanced digital systems also come with simple loopholes that the hackers can exploit to jeopardize the working of your website.
In the present days, data is one of the most important things. Your website contains tones of important data files including personal information of your clients and customers. Access to such crucial information will not only jeopardize your online business, but it will also put your clients at risk. Thus, it is your prime duty to secure the data of your website. Cybercriminals can easily access the data and destroy your database completely by infecting your website with malware technologies. So, you need something extraordinary to protect your data. Hence, you need the SSL certificate service.
SSL certificate is considered to be the backbone of internet security. The main purpose of having a security certificate is that it helps in keeping all the information in your website encrypted. Thus, it keeps your data hidden from everyone apart from the intended people. As a result, it becomes impossible for any third party device or software.
But the benefits of SSL certificate does not end with providing website security, it also offers one other significant benefit. What is that? Well, it provides your website with authenticity. If you look closely, the websites without security certificate have “http:/” in their prefix. But when you are getting the SSL, you will see your website will have “https:/” in the prefix and there will be a lock sign beside the web address bar. The appearance of https and the lock sign indicates that your website is authenticated.
How does authentication help? Well, as per the latest rules from the new Google algorithm update, the authenticated websites are given much more important than the unauthenticated websites when it comes to search engine rankings. In short, having a security certificate will help in boosting the SEO ranking of your website. Thus, it will help you to gain the attraction of your visitors.
Plus, it will also help your users to put their trust on your website and engage in transactions without having to worry about the security. So, you will be able to boost the growth of your business phenomenally by opting for SSL.
The best SSL certificate provider in India

In India, there are several SSL service providers that you will find on the internet. Still, choosing the best quality SSL certificate service is considered to be a troublesome job. The service that most of the SSL providers offer is not on par with high quality and the rates are not affordable too. So, is not there any way to get authenticated service nowadays? Of course, there is!
Hostcats, being the best SSL certificate provider in the country, offers you with most excellent quality services. The certificates that we offer come with multiple layers of military grade encryptions which keep your data completely secured and protects your website completely from the security threats. We also understand the budgetary constraints of our customers. Hence, we have designed our packages in such a way that they meet the budgetary requirements of every individual.
For us at Hostcats, our customers are most important. That is why we always try hard to improve our services and we always try hard to fulfill all the requirements of our customers. So, no matter, what problem you face regarding SSL certificates, we at Hostcats are always there to help you out.
So, why compromise the security of your website any further? Avail the SSL certificate service from Hostcats and make your online transactions completely secured.